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CNNCTS Partners Native Coast Action Network Host Coastal Listening Session

The Native Coast Action Network hosted their Coastal Listening Session in late September of 2024, on Chumash homelands in Santa Barbara. Multiple CNNCTS partners came together to support and participate in the training.

On September 29th, the Native Coast Action Network (NCAN) hosted a Coastal Listening Session on Chumash homelands in Santa Barbara, California. This session brought together Indigenous peoples and allies from various communities who call the coast home or have ancestral homelands on California’s coast. Partners of the Collaborative of Native Nations for Climate Transformation and Stewardship (CNNCTS) project—including Sacred Places Institute for Indigenous Peoples, Climate Science Alliance, and San Diego State University—were happy to support the session and connect with community partners on these important coastal conversations.


About the Native Coast Action Network

Our purpose is to preserve and revitalize coastal Native homelands and cultures by providing dynamic opportunities for building practical and traditional knowledge by empowering indigenous communities and their allies to work together through training and expert consultation.


Learn more about the Collaborative for Native Nations for Climate Transformation and Stewardship (CNNCTS) at

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